Nepal has no coal or other fossil fuels but has an abundance of green energy including solar, wind, biomass and hydropower. The past decade has seen real improvements on the supply side of Nepal’s green energy and now the time has come to focus on the demand side. We are now ready to “broaden green energy markets” first at home, and then in the region. Economics can sometimes be simplified as simple supply and demand. It is often the demand side that will provide the needed incentives for qualitative supply. Demand will dictate the way we manage the supply side of green energy.

Challenges remain on the supply side, but we are no longer discussing power outage (load shedding) anymore. We now need to match the demand side and supply side of green energy. The two sides of the coin have to be in sync. Like in any business, we cannot have too much inventory, too much “goods” in the warehouse and cash locked up. We need to ensure efficiency and “just-in-time” delivery to ensure competitiveness, ensuring growth and efficiency in the whole system. Developing economies like Nepal have to take care of these issues if we are to attain our development aspirations and also ensure that we have a healthy and vibrant energy sector.

This is why the IPPAN Power Summit 2023 has chosen the theme “Broadening Green Energy Markets”. We invite all concerned to use this platform to do business and help Nepal move ahead with its green energy development agenda. We look forward to welcoming you to the IPPAN Power Summit 2023.